perjantai 29. maaliskuuta 2013


Caress, a loving touch, both physical and mental; directed towards an other and offering oneself, giving oneself in. Caress, to give oneself up to mutual pleasure and regard. Caress, acting from one's own free will. Caress orientates processes and processes never take place except on the occasion of thought. But, what kind of thought is caress?

sunnuntai 20. tammikuuta 2013


What does understanding mean? Do we need to understand art? Does understanding play a role within the realm of art? As I see it, anything symbolic, for example language, cannot exhaust the depths of soul, body and mind. The phenomenon which takes place in the mind and body cannot be wholly reconstructed artificially because artistic thinking, feelings, sensations, intuition, tension, experience and thus knowledge that is innate, just to name few of the elements of artistic event, contains an indefinite multiplicity of conscious states. Understanding plays its role on a different level and in the realm of science and philosophy, it deals with readymade concepts and is woven to the past whereas art is directed towards future.