sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2011


The tragic and banal aspects of all beginning that is actually already a middle haunt every painter. There is no beginning- poiesis is already a middle. Confusion that ideas create, the lingering mind oscillating between ideas and the eager bodily respose, however, never able to repeat what it wants to repeat. All this confusion condenced in a painting, all these layers of unsuccess, yet something new and surprising emerging. All the rules of propriety in painting - in vain.

sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2011


Mind is corporeal. Touch is incorporated in the mind. Mind holds me and the world together. In the beginning I owns the mind that is nothing but it grows and intensifies in the course of time. Mind is in a constant change and I becomes an other as if opening its inside to an outside. Identities are never stable. Touch is mind's primal operator. My view is that touch creates sensibility and new thinking, flexibility and latitude in society. That is why art is necessary.

sunnuntai 21. elokuuta 2011

The world as a fairytale

The world of the fairytale is the complete opposite of the world of truth – and precisely for that reason so completely similar to it – just as chaos is similar to the completed creation. (Novalis)

Exhibition The Sense of Painting at Galleria Jangva, Helsinki, Finland

sunnuntai 10. heinäkuuta 2011


Subjectivity - does it have a ground? How does it think about itself, how does it figure itself? Subjectivity does not have a ground, because it does not resemble anything. It figures, traces itself out of nothing. It can only show itself as a picture, a fable.

keskiviikko 22. kesäkuuta 2011


Art is able to bring something incomprehensible to the world. Suddenly, individual subjectivity has made an encounter with something unknown. Suddenness marks a confusion of feelings with an event that cannot be measured, not even logically, by what is already in existence. In suddenness the individual subjectivity and the external world strike violently against each other. The transcience of this sudden moment is dramatic: it cannot last, nothing remains and as Blanchot tells us, it returns to the void it illuminates.

sunnuntai 24. huhtikuuta 2011

An image of desire

Is the idea superior to the object? The idea of a painting seems always so near but at the same time also so distant from the actual action of painting. The intuitional object is never the same as the finished painting. The intuitional object is something so hard to grasp, maybe because intuition's essence is generative. It can be said that the finnished painting does express, simulate, represent, convey, symbolize something of the idea and the desire. However, what the painting precisely seems to show is the difference. Desire shows itself in a painting as the tuning of the same that is always not the same.

keskiviikko 9. maaliskuuta 2011

Sublime feeling

Sublime means something that is impressive in its grandeur - something the presentation of which coincides with infinity. But what does this grandeur mean and what does the concept of magnitude refer to? Sublime feeling is to be sought only in one's own mind. One may argue that the feeling of the sublime is a device for the deconstruction of human identity. The feeling of the sublime boundlessness stimulates one's mind, imagination is led beyond its boundaries. Once in a while, before an artwork, thinking takes action, it acts the implausible, the sublime.